Friday, February 11, 2011

Don't Be Intimidated by the Gym

During the first couple months of a new year often the gym has many new members.  Starting a new fitness program can be overwhelming and at times the gym can be very intimidating.  People are nervous about trying new fitness classes or are constantly comparing themselves to others.  Don't fall into these common pitfalls.  If you are brand new to fitness or trying a class for the first time talk to the instructor.  We are there to help you and want you in our classes.  I always tell my students I am here to push you but overall this is your workout not mine.  A good instructor will show different levels of intensity that will challenge a brand new student or a seasoned athlete.  Normally it will take a couple classes for you to feel comfortable.  Just remember that no matter how people look, how much they can lift or how good of shape they are in now, they were once new to the gym and working out too.